Gagan Deep Arora
Gagan Deep Arora is the associate of NRI Law Offices since the date of his enrollment as an Advocate. During his Law Course he did depth research on Trademark registration process, complication, resolution and also court litigation regarding Intellectual Propety Rights. Gagan Deep is not only handling Trademark matter but also expert in Tax related matter, Investment, Audit, Business Registraiton, TAN, PAN, GST and DRDO - CITRO Certificate, ISO Certification along with BIFMA Certificate & Green Graud and other related matter. He has successfully obtained achievement in the above matter for a number of individual and corporate clients. He also has sufficient experience in Drafting and Conveyancing of Documents.
Area of Practice:
- NRI High Interest Account Opening
- Import Export License
- Income Tax Matter
- Sale Tax Matter
- Company Incorporation
- ISO Certification
- DRDO - CITRA - BIFMA Certificate & Green Graud
- Foreign Accounting
- Investment Solutions
- NRI Investment Solutions
- Bar Council of Punjab & Haryana
- District Bar Association Ludhiana
- District & Sessions Courts Ludhiana
- Other Tribunal & Authority